Former US President, Jimmy Carter Don Die.

De Carter Center Don announce say de Ex US President , and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter don die at 100-year-old. adding say Carter die peacefully with im family around am for him house on Sunday , de 29th of December for plains inside Georgia.

Report tok say, since mid-February 2023, Carter bin dey under medical care for him home for Plains, de small town wey dem born am and where im run peanut farm before him become governor of Georgia and later run for president.

According to de report, after Carter bin announce say im get brain cancer for 2015, im still serve as president from 1977 to 1981, wey make am de oldest living ex-president for US and de  longest-lived president.

Dem tok say for 1982, Carter start de  Carter Center to push for world diplomacy. For 2002, him also receive Nobel Peace Prize because of him hard work to promote social and economic justice.

Carter bin leave behind im wife, Rosalynn, and their four children three sons and one daughter.


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