After dem diagnose Pope Francis with pneumonia for both lungs, di Vatican don talk say e sleep well and chop breakfast on Wednesday morning.
Vatican spokesman, Matteo Bruni, talk say di Pope spend im fifth night for Gemelli Hospital for Rome peacefully.
E still talk say di Pope dey in good spirits and e appreciate all di prayers wey people dey send for im quick recovery.
Bruni tell Fox News say: “E wake up and chop breakfast after e sleep well for night.”
Di Vatican talk on Tuesday say Francis, wey don get pneumonia before when e be pikin, don remove di upper lobe of im right lung before.
Dem talk say di Pope medical condition, chest X-ray, and lab results still dey complicated.
According to di Vatican, di treatment dey more complex because of di antibiotic cortisone therapy wey dem dey use treat di polymicrobial infection wey dey on top bronchiectasis and asthmatiform bronchitis.
“Di Holy Father chest CT scan dis afternoon show say pneumonia don start for both lungs, so e go need extra medicine treatment.”
After one week of serious bronchitis, dem carry Francis go hospital on Friday, and e condition dey “fair” when e reach.
By Monday, di hospital diagnose am with polymicrobial respiratory tract infection, wey mean say different bacteria, viruses, and other organisms don join together affect im respiratory system.