PSC Ambassadors Don Enter Ondo State to Monitor Police for Election Duty

Officials of di Police Service Commission don show for Ondo State to monitor de behaviour of police officers wey dey election security duties, as people of de state file out tomorrow to elect their governor.


PSC tok-tok person, IKECHUKWU ANI, said staff monitors from di commission dey for Ondo State to make sure say Police people conduct themselves well based on rules and regulations.


For inside him statement, ANI tok say Chairman of de Commission, HASHIMU ARGUNGU, wey be retired Deputy Inspector General of Police, challenge de PSC Ambassadors to make sure say dem show good behaviour and no allow anybody to force them to do wrong things.


Him still tok say d PSC don provide special telephone numbers for Nigerians people to call to complain or praise any policeman or woman during the election.

Posted in News, Politics, Trending.